Tuesday, March 25, 2008


If you are not already registered to vote YOU SHOULD BE! Yesterday was the deadline to registered to be able to vote in the PA primary election which will take place on April 22. For the past two weeks on our campus you haven't been able to walk more than 20feet without someone asking, "Are you registered to vote?" However, if with all the options available for students out there to get registered they still don't. The other day I was in the union and someone asked a LaSalle student if they were registered to vote and the student responded, "I really dont care about any of this and I'm not going to vote." When I over heard this I could have screamed! Being able to vote is a right many people around the world do not have. I was shocked to hear such ignorance coming from someone who is not only American but the same age as me. More than ever it is important students ages 18-26 vote! Putting all politics and which candidate you will vote for this fall aside everyone should vote! Its right many people wish they could have, and it is one of the many signifying qualities that makes us American.


Zipporah said...

I agree with you. Voting is essential to independence and personal growth. It shows maturity and it will open your mind to a world that you weren't interested in prior to your eighteenth birthday. Voting is not only to give you a voice it is also to allowing a voice inside of you the capability to speak and be heard. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

Brandon said...

I totally agree with this. People complain about things that are happening but yet will not take a few minutes to vote. It is very simple. Sign up, vote, and have your voice be heard.