Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hi everyone! I am a sister of Alpha Theta Alpha, and we are trying to raise money for ANADs, which stands for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. This week is Eating Disorders Awareness week. For anyone interested we are selling chances at lunch in the Union, B&G, and Treetops, as well as at dinner in the B&G and Treetops, for a chance for $200 dollars towards desiner jeans from Lucky, to Juicy, to Seven, and more, including all alterations. The chances are $2 for one and 3 for $5. Come out and buy a chance! All the money will go toward ANADs so it is a really great prize! The jeans are for boys and girls, so guys don't think you can't buy some chances. Also, we will have a box at each of the tables for jean donations. If anyone has any jeans that no longer fit them or they don't wear or whatever, bring them and put them in the box and we are donating all the jeans to a homeless shelter. Thanks to anyone who may have already bought a chance or donated jeans!

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