Today was my first snow day here at La Salle! Well, to some extent, I suppose. Classes were cancelled at one, so I guess it's not a true snow day. I woke up at nine for my ten o' clock class only to find that it, too, was cancelled by my professor. So I rolled over and went back to bed. I love the snow. And not just simply because it afforded me a few extra hours of precious sleep. Snow and I have had a good history...
In gradeschool, snow days were the BEST. All of the kids in the neighborhood would come to my house and sled on our front lawn. My front lawn used to be (because we moved) the steepest in our neighborhood. We would sled until we got tired, go inside for some hot chocolate, and then sled again until our parents came outside looking for us. My brother and I would also play in the snow. He is fourteen years older than I, but we would chase each other around the house, tackle each other in the snow, and throw snowballs at each other. (When I say "we," I basically mean that he constantly would win and beat me up every time.)
We used to live on a corner property; therefore, we have a long sidewalk surrounding our house. Our town also has this ordinance that you have to shovel your sidewalks in x amount of hours after it snows. My mom and I lived in the house alone after my brother and sister moved out, and we would often wait to shovel until the last minute. One time, our neighbor took the initiative and shoveled it for us. That afternoon, my mom made him a peaches and cream pie (a favorite in the family). The next time it snowed, all of the men in the neighborhood were vying to shovel the sidewalk first. That pie became legendary in our old neighborhood.
Enough about me and my past with snow; how does everyone else feel about it? I think it might be one of those things about which people either run hot or cold. Either you fall into the "I hate snow; you can't drive in it, blah blah" category (not that that is a poor opinion, I am just slightly biased) or the "Snow is great! So pretty, snows angels, hot chocolate, and childhood memories!" category. What do you think? I won't judge you...
Enjoy the day!
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I love snow days, too. Everyone stays home longer. Yesterday we had a big family breakfast (pancakes), hung out in the kitchen and we all watched a movie together (the new Bridge to Terabithia). Most of us stayed in our pajamas all day (including me and that's a real rarity).
For my wife and I, it makes the next day tough because our work doubles (that Friday work just doesn't disappear), but it's all worth it to have everyone together for an entire day.
yeah but it was not really a snow day because they still made us drag our butts to the early classes just to finally decide at 1 pm to cancel the remainder of the days classes.
I love the snow on the morning that it snows - when there are no footprints in the snow and cars haven't driven through it yet. But I also hate that day too because it normally means I need to help shovel. Snow days are great, but unfortunately I was done class at 1 when they decided to close the school - just my luck. Due to being injured and having a boot on my foot, I really don't like the snow right now. If I don't have a cover over my boot snow gets in the front and my toes get wet and cold. Overall, I really don't like the snow. I just like to sit inside and watch it snow, or sit by the fireplace reading a book and drinking hot chocolate.
Snow days are seriously the best days EVER. Some people think that just because they are getting older, that they can't enjoy it. I will always love it and go sledding like a little girl. It's awesome.
I love snow days, also! My parents use to send us to school no matter what but when a snow day came, we were beside ourselves. I lived in the city all my life so when it snowed, we went out side and attempted to shovel the snow but we ended up doing more playing than work.
I missed the snow, I was drove down to VA Thursday night to visit some friends. I was suppose to get caught in a really bad ice storm on my way, but it completly missed the southern states. I wasn't sure Philly was going to get any, but then I got the text from La Salle that school was closing at 1. I was definitly very jealous (not that I have Friday classes anyway), but just the joy of saying "AH HA! The weather is on MY SIDE" is wonderful.
When I grow up and actually become a teacher, I think I will look forward to snowdays moreso than my students.
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