The time is 8:46. I've just spent the last 15 minutes trying to remember which password I needed to access Weekly Scribblers. I had to have an e-mail sent. Anyway, I'm functioning on 5 hours of sleep and I have about that many hours of homework ahead of me, probably more. Class starts at 9:oo AM. Everything must be done before then. I have papers, a midterm, and a ridiculous amount of reading to occupy the night. Oh, then there's the Oscars. I can't miss that, even if my GPA is on the line.
Ratatouille just won an Academy Award for best animated feature. I thought the French one was locked for that statue.
Ahem. That's irrelevant. Anyway, the fact of the matter is, I am a procrastinator and a night owl. This means I don't sleep. Ever. I'm also easily distracted. My TV's always on, which decreases my homework efficiency speed something fierce. Terrible mindset, and equally terrible working conditions, I know. I keep glancing at the television. It deserves my undivided attention. Homework will have to wait.
Jon Stewart is making jokes. I miss Ellen. The Gold Compass just won for something. Visual effects, maybe?
9:12. I need a break.
10:13. All right, I'm back. In the past hour I emptied my trash can and ate an entire box of cookie dough bites. My stomach hurts. My Christian Origins midterm is at noon. My notes are less than satisfactory. I must consult my textbooks and possibly the Internet. If possible, the sugar is making me sleepier. Also, Colin Farrell needs a haircut.
10:55. Must stop googling pop culture and other bits of randomness. Must focus on schoolwork. Time to get serious. I'll mute the TV during the commericals.
11:01. The 80th Annual Academy Awards will be over roughly 45 minutes. I'll start one of my papers before Best Picture is announced. So many music montages, and a lot of happy celebrities.
11:07. I deserve a soda. The vending machine is on the next floor. It's a long walk but the caffeine rush is worth the trip. Is it too late to do a load of laundry?
11:46. No Country for Old Men just won Best Picture. Time to switch channels. If I keep this up I'll be in bed by 3. Now those essays aren't going to write themselves. On to the first intro...
Check out the complete 2008 Oscar winners here:
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I really like your post. I don't think anyone has written one with that structure yet.
I know how you feel, because I am a night person too, and I am addicted to TV.
This was the first year though that I didn't get to watch the Oscars, but you made it sound like they were good, so I'll have to youtube some clips.
I hope your essays and midterms went well!
Wow I like your post. That was very different and real. I'm a procrastinator also. It's a horrible sin lol but it is what is it. I might take Jess' idea and look up that website. I'm not a procrastinator in everythig just school work. Go figure.
That is usually how I procrastinate. Ill sit there for a few hours with the television on planning to do work, but there will be something so intriguing to watch the homework will stall for hours. It is really hard. It is hard to go one night without the TV on. It just consumes all of us.
A neat essay by a philosopher on procrastination which might be useful.
As far as Oscars, I strongly recommend Once, which centers on music, and is a romance of a sort. Not your traditional Hollywood movie. It won an Oscar for Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures.
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