Friday, November 14, 2008

Berks or Wankers

Your assignment for next class is to write an 800 word essay on some kind of grammar, spelling or punctuation issue, such as the ones we talked about in class. The question you want to answer with your essay is why this kind of thing matters (or doesn't matter). Are you a berk or a wanker? For inspiration, use the Lynn Truss piece or check out these links:

Has Modern Life Killed the Semi-Colon

Grammar Vandal

Lost Art of the Letter

Text Speak in Academia

No more Scribbler pieces. As much as I enjoy reading them, I'd rather you concentrate on your last two assignments (start thinking about your writing experience in this class and at La Salle in general for your final assignment) and your revisions.

Remember, Mon is the last class to hand in any revisions for further comments. After Monday, save all your revisions for your final portfolio.


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Best regard,

江仁趙雲虹昆 said...
